(Photo: WAC committee 2008-09)
The Trent Clubs and Groups day on September 8th, 2010 was the most wonderful event so far in my academic year. As I had the opportunity to meet with my fellow students who are organizers, co-chairs or founders of clubs and groups at Trent, I could not help but being inspired by their commitment and enthusiasm in running their activities and contributing to Trent's rich student life. The event was a warm welcome back, even more intimate than a tight hug, especially for an international student who returned to Canada after a year-abroad. It's now my turn to pass on the torch of inspiration to other students, international and domestic, new and returning. I want to warmly welcome all of you to the Trent World Affairs Colloquium!
A lecture series sponsored by Trent International Program and Trent International Student Association, WAC seeks to create an engaging environment where participants can learn and share knowledge about global issues. Guest-speakers come from different fields: from Peterborough social worker to Trent professor, from a Canadian famous politician to a Botswana woman leader. In the last few years, WAC topics cover theme such as the global food crisis, HIV-AIDS, the world as mirror of ourselves, etc. The next theme can be developed from your idea!
This year WAC will be taking place on Friday, bi-weekly or monthly, in Champlain Council Chamber (CCM2). Stay tuned for our exciting events by following the Champlain College blog or watch out for our email notice! WAC is yours to participate, yours to create.
*If you would like to subscribe to WAC emails or have a suggestion for a potential topic, please email us: worldaffairscollq@gmail.com
Many thanks Linh. Looking forward to working with the WAC committee for another year of substantive campus dialogues! All the best.