Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Building Community

With this blog I am hoping to draw the attention of those wanting to make TGLC a really engaged, unified, active community within Trent. I'm writing this because I have a love for this community because of my experiences in it, the people it draws and the great ideas, conversations, relationships and actions that come out of it.

TGLC has great potential because of the rich diversity of experiences, life stories and ideas that are present. When I was part of this community, I could feel the potential for planning events, activities, workshops, get togethers, etc. and really wanted to bring this out of the people I was living with. But alas, we are all students and lead very busy lives. It is a really big responsibility to be an active member of a community and often things do not work out as you envision them, but great things can happen with not too much time or effort if everyone is taking part in making them happen.

What I am trying to encourage here is that whoever becomes part of this community, try to take on that responsibility to be an active member because if each member is engaged, participating, and working to make this community a place where things happen, then your experience at Trent, and in TGLC will be so rich. It just makes living there so much more fun and meaningful if everyone takes some time to really think about what they want for their community and works to make that happen.

Ok so this kind of sounds a bit like a lecture haha but I just really believe in what TGLC does to open people's eyes to other cultures, ideas and ways of living. I hope that this community grows to be a cohesive, active group at Trent and that you have alot of fun this year! So don't be afraid to go out on a limb, try something new and get creative with the different initiatives TGLC could do this year! I look forward to hearing about it.


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