Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Entertainment Review

Hey CC

So as many people like myself spend countless hours procrastinating, doing various things, I thought I would Blog about my personal favorite form of procrastination, Movies!

So I'll pretty much review 1 or 2 movies and give you my recommendations. :)

After a lovely chat with our College Head Dr. Mike, our amazing Aramark Head Chef Paul Foster (who is sadly leaving us on FRIDAY), and Aramark Catering Manager Edward Rama I was recommended the movie Julie&Julia.


So here are the Basics about the film; (Found from IMDb - Link at the bottom)
Year: 2009
Approximate Running Time: 123 minutes (Just over 2 hours)
Starring: Merly Streep as Julia Child, Amy Adams as Julie Powell and Stanley Tucci as Paul Child.
My Summary: Julie&Julia follows 2 women, who I would say are in mid-life crisis. Both are lost in what they want in life, and are trying to find themselves. They both discovery their love of cooking and food and face challenges to over come. The modern day Julie Powell is in a depressing job attempting to deal with the aftermath of 9/11 and takes on the task of cooking 524 recipes of Julia Child's in 1 year. Julia Child, in the 1950's is based in Paris and attempts to write a French cookbook for Americans, and faces the task of not only learning to cook, but writing a cookbook and trying to get it published.
In my Opinion: Julie&Julia is definitely a great movie for a Girls-Night-In, just to curl up on the sofa with a glass of wine (or fruit juice - I prefer Apple), and just relax. The movie itself is semi-long, so make sure you have snacks as watching all the food being made, made me hungry.
Side Note: Stanley Tucci and Merly Streep worked together in The Devils Wears Prada, and I in the beginning it was hard for me to see that relationship, and disconnect them from being a crazy editor and gay fashion director. However none-the-less I worked through it and enjoyed the film.
Over all rating (out of 5): 3


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